Excel Tax Strategy University

We help successful business owners and investors like you understand the complex world of taxes:

Enjoy Educating Yourself in our On-Line University

Income Tax & Estate Tax Reduction

Do you wonder if you are paying to much in taxes? Are you sure you are planning like you should?
We Can Help

Tax Savvy Retirement

Sure you are planning for retirement but are you planning to reduce your taxes on those retirement funds?
We Can Help

Business Exit Planning

Selling your business could be the biggest event of your career. Why spend less time planning for this event then your vacation?
We Can Help

Watch any Tax Strategy!

Coming Soon-Tax Strategy University Youtube Channel

When was the last time your accountant called and shared they had a strategy to save you money?

Click on the Learn More button below and see just how much you might be overpaying.  Forbes Magazine article shares that as much as 93% of business owners are currently overpaying.

Enjoy our video Tax Strategy University!  Come back often as we plan to continue adding content for you to enjoy and learn.

Reduce your taxes-Legally, ethically and morally

Let’s See if we’re a good fit

Schedule Your No Cost and No Obligation Discovery Call Today!

Click on the button to learn how much more you could expect to earn by having a well thought out plan and working with one of our advisors.

Don't take our word for it, read what our Clients have to say!

“At first, I was skeptical. I had what I thought was a good CPA and Financial Advisor. However, after working with Matt and his team at Excel Empire for three seasons, I can confidently say that they have exceeded all my expectations. I now recommend them to everyone who owns a business or has real estate investments. Just do a Discovery Call with Matt at Excel Empire, and you’ll learn more than you could ever find on the internet or through years with your CPA.

Matt and his team have a wealth of experience, especially with contractors like myself. They understood exactly what I was facing and the opportunities available to me. I’ve been thoroughly impressed with their expertise and guidance. I urge everyone to schedule a Discovery Call with Excel Empire. You might just find out, like I did, that you’ve outgrown your CPA.”


“During Covid, my business skyrocketed! I sold more homes than I ever thought possible, and as a result, my CPA advised me to save most of the excess because taxes would be unbelievable. That attitude made me question if my CPA was actually on my team. So, I decided to do some research and found that Excel Empire had an office near me. After some due diligence, I was amazed to discover that many other realtors in the Cincy area were using Excel Empire, so I scheduled a Discovery call from the Excel website.

The call was amazing, and I learned so much about taxes and even how I can help my clients. I actually paid less in taxes this year than ever before, all thanks to a forty-five-minute Discovery Call.”

Rachel-Real Estate Investor