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Excel Empire was started by people who themselves had recognized that they had outgrown their current accountant.  They were forced to ask a simple question that would change the way they looked at business all together.  You ask what was that question?  

When was the last time your CPA called you and told you they had an idea that was going to save you money on your taxes?

Our Founder, Matthew Person, has always prioritized honesty with the government while ensuring his generosity doesn’t unnecessarily benefit the government. Over two decades ago, this mindset led to the successful sale of multiple businesses. Recognizing the importance of expert guidance, he surrounded himself with trusted professionals who could navigate the tax code legally, ethically, and morally, enabling him to minimize taxes. Early in his career, Matthew realized he could extend this assistance to others, helping them retain more of their hard-earned money, aligning with his personal mission and calling.

Today, our team of trusted advisors includes some of the most renowned proactive tax attorneys and CPAs nationwide. Together, they are dedicated to helping individuals and businesses reduce their tax burdens effectively. To date, our team has facilitated hundreds of millions of dollars in tax savings, recovered billions of dollars in credits, and served thousands of satisfied clients. Now, we’re extending our expertise to the next generation, assisting our clients’ children in minimizing their taxes as well.

“I am profoundly grateful to have had a longstanding partnership and friendship with Hubert McIntosh and Edward Lyon. Through their proactive tax planning expertise, they’ve helped me save a substantial amount in taxes over the past two decades. While I understand it’s not solely my money, but rather a responsibility I’ve been entrusted with, I believe in being a diligent steward of what God has entrusted to me.

I’m thrilled that Excel Empire’s team can extend these invaluable services to many more business owners and real estate investors. Their ability to navigate the tax code ethically, morally, and legally ensures that individuals can minimize their tax burdens while remaining compliant.”

— Matthew Pearson, Founder

Our Clients Pay Less

You Can Too

Excel Empire’s Reduction Plans transcend the benefits experienced solely by our Founder. Our Tax Reduction Plans stand out in the tax planning industry for their unparalleled effectiveness. Unlike typical offerings, our plans are meticulously crafted, labor-intensive, and completely customized to each client’s unique circumstances.

We leverage not only the IRS Tax Code but also draw insights from IRS Court Precedence and IRS Letter Rulings. By combining and sequencing strategies strategically, we deliver plans that are robust, guaranteed, and thoroughly vetted by our planning and compliance teams.

What sets us apart is our approach. While many tax planning firms rely on software-generated “cookie-cutter” plans, we eschew such generic solutions. Instead, we focus on crafting plans that not only reduce taxes but also align with your specific goals and objectives. Our commitment lies in ensuring that our clients not only save on taxes but also thrive financially in line with their aspirations.

We Help You...

We Back You Up!

Each plan comes with Audit Protection.  We will stick with you all the way up to tax court to defend your positioning.  

Our team has extensive experience in the audit process and we maintain working papers to substantiate any required defense protocols needed to protect you along the way.

We Guarantee Your Savings!

Our engagements are guaranteed.  If we aren’t able to meet our savings commitments, you will be refunded relative to the savings not being met.  

If we are off by 10%, you’ll be refunded 10% of your fee.  Guaranteed.

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Schedule a free, 45 minute, Tax Reduction Discovery Call with one of our seasoned Tax Strategists to find out how much you might be overpaying in taxes.